Free Resources 

Quick Start Guide:
Getting Started With EasyLanguage

Learning EasyLanguage is critical to your success.  Let me show you how to learn EasyLanguage fast so you can turn your trading around! Click the button below and get started for FREE right now!

Why EasyLanguage is Critical To Your Success

You'll discover why EasyLanguage is so critical to you becoming successful.

Build Your First Strategy in EasyLanguage

I'll walk you through the steps of creating your first strategy!

Your Next Steps To Master EasyLanguage

I'll give you my best tips and advice for learning EasyLanguage FAST!

How To Optimize Like A Pro

Most people curve fit their strategies to the historical data because they don't know some basic steps to optimize correctly. Let me show you how to do it in the next 15 minutes!

In this short guide, I reveal the three steps I've used to optimize trading systems while avoid curve fitting. If you want to build winning systems, you need to read this!

Visit My YouTube Channel

Learn how to use EasyLanguage to become a successful algorithmic trader!

Free Articles and Example Code!

My blog is full of great free stuff including downloadable EasyLanguage code and
TradeStation WorkSpaces. Here are some of the latest articles.

Brainwashed! How Traders Are Programmed To Fail.

Join Our Tribe of Successful Traders!

It's time for you to master algo trading! Join our free newsletter full of great ideas and
get access to our extensive EasyLanguage library for free! 
