August 24


Get Rid of That I Can’t Code In EasyLanguage Problem!

By Jeff Swanson

August 24, 2020

ELM Ignition

In last week's article I demonstrated some of the amazing things you can do with EasyLanguage. Knowing EasyLanguage allows you to rise above most other retail traders. I think learning to use EasyLanguage correctly is a vital skill set.

With that in mind, how do you go about learning EasyLanguage?

I'm not sure how and where you are on your journey as an EasyLanguage trader but, if you're really new to EasyLanguage, let's talk about that first off. There's no simple solution. You're going to need to put the time and effort in to learn EasyLanguage. And you've got to think of this, like any other skill, if you want to be a surgeon, you have to dedicate some time to it. Trading is not like surgery, but the point is you need to dedicate time to it. You're going to have to learn, and there's gonna be some trial and error, and you're going to have to study and make mistakes. And it's going to take some time. 

Here is what I would recommend for the new EasyLanguage traders: 

  1. Download the TradeStation development environment
  2. Download TradeStation's "EasyLanguage Essentials"
  3. Download TradeStation's "EasyLanguage Functions and Reserved Words Reference"
  4. Read any EasyLanguage books
  5. Go through EasyLanguage tutorials.
  6. Practice! Practice! Practice!

Free Learn EasyLanguage Resource Guide

You can find great resources on my EasyLanguage Resource Page. TradeStation puts out some essential guides. These are great to have. These are the types of things you don't read, cover to cover. They're more of a reference, but once in a while, open it up and read it. Soon it will start making more and more sense. You'll say, oh yeah, I could use that for testing my intraday system. Oh yeah, you could use that for limiting time or limiting the number of trades per day. These are valuable resources that are concise to the point and all in one location. You should really take advantage of those as well. Again check out my EasyLanguage Resource Page to find the links to this material.

TradeStation also has a bunch of tutorials. I don't know if you've looked at them, but some are pretty good and great for starting out. EasyLanguage has a forum, and you'll find all kinds of coding problems solved within those threads. If you have a coding problem, it's probably not the first time some experienced it. 

TradeStation also has home study courses. Now, I would stay away from the object-oriented one. That's the next evolution of EasyLanguage, and you could probably stay away from that. I'd recommend that newbie EasyLanguage traders stay away from that right now because, with the basic language, the classic language, you can get up and learn that quickly.

Tutorials are important. This is how I learned EasyLanguage. I downloaded those books, those essential guides, and I went to places like Mark Plex. This website has all types of free tutorials, and this is what you have to do to get your hands dirty. See my EasyLanguage Resource Page for links to MarkPlex! You have to go to the tutorials, follow along with typing in the code, compile it, fix your errors, compile, see what's wrong. Bang your head against the computer for a while because learning a computer language can be tricky for sure. However, keep pushing through it, go through those tutorials. You should be practicing EasyLanguage a little every day. And then your mind will start to acclimate to that way of thinking.

Over time you'll start to think like a computer. You learn how to break down a problem so the computer can understand it. And I know that's a lot to swallow right now if you never coded before, but I'm just saying that you have to stick with it.

EasyLanguage Tutorial & Quick Start Guide


Also, on my website, EasyLanguage Mastery, I have a free ebook and video tutorial. This is a quick start guide on what is quantitative trading and how to get started. It also comes with some videos, showing you how to launch the development environment and create a simple strategy. So if you're not sure how to do that, you're definitely going to want to get this free guide.


Get Your Free Quick Start Guide To Learning EasyLanguage

So that's a great way to get started. And you know, it's absolutely free to spend time building indicators, build simple strategies on different markets and timeframes. 

TIP: Don't Build Intraday System...Not Yet!

Here is a tip: Maybe your heart is on building day trading strategies. But when first starting out, don't do it! It's much easier to build strategies on the daily timeframe. Even if you're never going to trade the daily timeframe, consider it as a practice. If you can't build a profitable system on a daily timeframe you're not going to be able to do it on an intraday timeframe.

Also, watch the tutorials and do the work. Do the work every day. Or at least, every couple of days you should be writing EasyLanguage code. Absolutely!

You Can Learn To Code Too

What I'm talking about isn't theory, this is exactly what I did that turned my trading around, and you can learn to code on your own. I certainly did. I totally learned to code myself. However, I do have a background in computer programming. So I was a little biased on that, right? But you can do it yourself. 

I believe if you're reading this, you can learn to code in EasyLanguage on your own if you can take the initiative and do it, but it will take a lot of time. There is a faster and easier way to learn EasyLanguage. That is to learn EasyLanguage from someone who already knows how to do it. And that someone is me. I can help you learn EasyLanguage!

I developed an exclusive training program to teach you the core, fundamental skills of EasyLanguage. I feel this is a better way of learning EasyLanguage if you want to get up and running ASAP. Nothing is faster than me showing you how to use EasyLanguage.

The course is EasyLanguage Mastery Ignition. Let me talk a little bit more about it because I really don't bring it up a lot.

Within the course, we start by writing a code that's strategy-based. I hate classes that are not practical. They start out teaching you theory that is difficult to apply to real life. I'm a very practical oriented person. I want to see, how does what I'm learning going to impact me? How is this going to improve my trading? With that in mind, I built this course around the idea of practicality for everyday traders. 

So my question is, why do it alone? Let me show you how it's done. 

So precisely what is this course? EasyLanguage Mastery Ignition is a video-based step-by-step implementation program. It's absolutely the fastest way for you to learn EasyLanguage and change your financial destiny. Learning to code is difficult. No question about it, particularly for some people, unless you're computer-oriented already.

I'm going to show you the core techniques to build strategies in EasyLanguage. We learn to take ideas and turn them into strategies. Now, if you've never made a trading strategy before, we're going to change that. If you want to improve your current skill, this will help. We learn the fundamentals of coding and do this by building strategies. We do breakout strategies, mean reversion intermarket analysis, and momentum, among others.

Here are some examples of the strategies that we create in EasyLanguage Mastery Ignition.

If you want to learn more about how you can take this course to become a skilled EasyLanguage trader, enter your name and email into the  form at the bottom of this article.

Be sure to reach out if you have questions. A great place to do that is in our EasyLanguage Mastery Community on Facebook. We have a great group of active EasyLanguage traders willing to help you! Check it out here.

Or, feel free to leave your  question or comment below in the comments sections. I'll get back with you right away!

Best of luck to you and your EasyLanguage trading endeavors.

Jeff Swanson

About the author

Jeff has built and traded automated trading systems for the futures markets since 2008. He is the creator of the online courses System Development Master Class and Alpha Compass. Jeff is also the founder of EasyLanguage Mastery - a website and mission to empower the EasyLanguage trader with the proper knowledge and tools to become a profitable trader.

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    Learn To Code & Build Strategies
    Using EasyLanguage. 
